Deal with it

how to be happy.

1. Know the core of it. 

When you know the reason why you felt that way it would be easy for you to cope up with such problem since you'll be able to find a solution and you'll be able to think of it. Thinking about that person/thing/happening will not only let your chest be free from the burden but it will also sharpen your mind since you'll be able to know what to do and what not to do when the same situation happens.

2. Dont be OC
When something went wrong and you've got stash of money, or you have your credit card with you the moment a depressing event happen never let your self be a compulsive buyer.You might like the feeling but YOU'LL REGRET IT. Trust me been there, done that. It aint no good.Instead go to a place, a place not swarmed with different people but maybe, perhaps of free birds, butterflies or any beautiful creatures that does not pollute your mind with negativity. You'll feel free of such burden. when you got to a place such as garden, a forest(best place to contemplate.just dont go in the middle of that or youll never find your way back)or in a mountain where birds are flying above you. FREE YOUR MIND. Think of happy thoughts. You'll know what you need, not what you want. You did not just saved money but you also freed yourself from such heavy burden.