a vestal demonic lass

hey there fellas, Im a kiddo,who cuts the  sleeves of my floral long sleeves only to find out it looks better when it has its sleeves. Well, I admit it `regret comes after`. But what can I do? I cant put it back nor sew it to where it belongs because I lost it already. My mother told me `you always took photo of yourself yet you dont manage to upload it because your card reader is always corrupt and damaged by some untrackable virus (AVG doesnt work!)` and she's right. it was now that I manage to regularly reformat my memory card. and it sucks but it works. ahahaha.

the outfit:
floral blouse with ugly short sleeves: thrifted
black large blazer: ZARA
black booties: inherited from some foreign people who ditched them
bag with gold chuvarness: thrifted.
black shivering cycling: dinzae clothing

p.s In my case I cant resist the temptation of thrifting because the public vehicle terminal to my vicinity was just beside some thrifted markets and I LIKE IT. :)))

may you be a hailed as a vintage queen someday! because I don't beg someone to call me like one.